13 May 2009 | The Web

The easiest way to report phishing emails

Phishing emails are bloody annoying — they’re the type that imitate authentic emails from banks and try to convince you to put in your email and password into a fake page. The best way to avoid falling for scams like these is to look at the URL and check that it’s your bank’s real website.

Most browsers including Firefox 3 warn you when you try to visit a phishing site, but some of the latest phishing sites are not blocked. Do the responsible thing and forward them to this list of organisations below to make sure it’s added to the blacklists of these browsers and other people. The more people that do this, the more pain it causes phishers:

In a nutshell, forward all phishing emails with this in the recipient list:

*reportphishing@antiphishing.org, phishing-report@us-cert.gov

Create a group in your address book with these 3 emails so it’s easier — you can then just forward phishing emails to that contact group.

I just forwarded a site that wasn’t blocked by Firefox to the above emails today; and it was blocked 15 minutes later. Was it because of my reports? No way to tell, but it doesn’t hurt to help make the Web a safer and more fun place especially if it only takes a few seconds of your time.


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